
Showing posts from September, 2016


home həʊm/ noun 1 . the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. "the floods forced many people to flee their homes" synonyms: place of residence,  accommodation ,  property , a roof over one's head;  It has been a while since I wrote. Please allow me to explain: In July, after returning from a lovely trip to the UK with my even more lovely husband, I thought we would settle into our routine again. For us, that meant continuing Home Schooling, enjoying our beautiful bit of forest, inviting friends to stay and enjoying the daily routine of Markus leaving for work in the morning and returning in the evening. For a week, we did settle. And then the rumblings of imminent change started: Our chidren once again expressed their desire to attend a regular school.  We started investigating possible scenarios to make this happen. (After all, September was around the corner and the new sc...